Receiving CIFIB broadcasts requires an ADS-B In receiver capable of decoding UAT on 978 MHz. There
are many solutions available today, developed for use in the US. Many Canadian pilots use them too,
as a GPS source, to receive ADS-B Out from nearby aircraft, to receive weather from US ground
stations, and for flying in the US.
Portable receivers, costing as little as $250, include Stratus, Stratux, Sentry, SkyEcho, Dual, and
the Garmin GDL series. The weather and traffic information is displayed on moving maps in Electronic
Flight Bag (EFB) applications running on a tablet or smartphone. Among EFB apps that provide
Canadian maps and charts, FltPlan Go is free, while ForeFlight and Garmin Pilot require a
Certified systems can also receive and display CIFIB information. ADS-B Out and In capabilities are
usually combined with a traditional transponder and displayed on panel-mount primary and
multi-function displays. For example, a Garmin GTX 345 transponder will integrate weather and
traffic information on the built-in PFD/MFD displays of a G1000 system.

Stratus 3 – ADS-B Receiver