- CIFIB Association
- What is Canadian In-Flight Information Broadcasting Association?
- Why would we want to set up a ground station?
- What is required to set up a ground station?
- How much will a ground station cost?
- What about liability?
- Will I have any control over how CIFIB operates?
- Can I support CIFIB without committing to a ground station?
- CIFIB Network
CIFIB Association
What is Canadian In-Flight Information Broadcasting Association?
The Canadian In-Flight Information Broadcasting Association (CIFIB) is a not-for-profit company that
aims to improve the safety of General Aviation aircraft, pilots, and passengers through the
provision of In-Flight Information Broadcasting, including Canadian aviation weather and traffic information. CIFIB is operated as a public service. There is no cost to a pilot to use
the system, though an aircraft must have an ADS-B system capable of receiving the data, and a
suitable display. These systems are available today at decreasing costs.
For a five-minute introduction to CIFIB, watch the YouTube video: https://youtu.be/mhoUgmfRyp8
Why would we want to set up a ground station?
The CIFIB service should reduce aviation accidents such as mid-air collisions and
weather-related accidents. A reduction in accidents will save lives and reduce injuries. A site
providing CIFIB services will improve safety in the area, which can attract pilots and increase airport revenues (fuel, restaurant, use of other airport and community services). FBOs would be able to provide more services (fuel, repairs, parking, others). Flight
training programs could make use of CIFIB information as part of training.
What is required to set up a ground station?
A local organization or group applies to CIFIB and agrees to fund the installation and operation of
the site. A suitable and secure location, with power and Internet connection, is identified and any
necessary approvals received. A qualified installer is contracted to install the hardware. Once the
site is operational, local involvement will be minimal.
How much will a ground station cost?
A basic CIFIB installation costs $2500 plus applicable taxes. This one-time fee covers acquisition,
a basic installation, setup, and configuration of the ground station. For a basic installation, a
licensed contractor mounts the CIFIB transmitter on an existing pole or tower, or mounts a small
pole to an easily accessible structure. More complex installations, such as those involving
significant heights or requiring detailed analysis and mitigation for nearby equipment or
structures, may incur additional costs.
An annual subscription fee covers the data stream, operation, and insurance. The subscription fee is
$1900 per year plus applicable taxes. As more stations are added, this cost is expected to decline
for each site.
As a not-for-profit company, CIFIB Association will regularly review costs, and lower fees will be
passed on to sites.
What about liability?
CIFIB Association owns the hardware and operates the site. CIFIB provides liability insurance for
the equipment and the transmission of the services, which is included as part of the annual fee paid
to CIFIB. Installation and any servicing of the equipment must be done by properly bonded agents who
will provide liability protection for their work.
Will I have any control over how CIFIB operates?
A site can nominate one person to become a member of CIFIB Association. The member is able to attend
meetings and receive CIFIB communications. CIFIB welcomes and considers all feedback to guide future
Can I support CIFIB without committing to a ground station?
Yes! You can support CIFIB financially by making a donation. All fees and donations are
used to set up and operate the CIFIB network. You can also support CIFIB by encouraging groups to
set up a ground station in their area.
We are also looking for volunteers to continue to development of the network. If you have RF
engineering skills or software development skills and are interested in helping us on a volunteer
basis, contact us at info@cifib.ca.
CIFIB Network
What information will a CIFIB ground station provide?
Ground stations broadcast local and regional weather information, including weather radar (from
Environment Canada), METARs, TAFs, and some private weather station information.
Ground stations may broadcast area traffic information, including FLARM and OGN (gliders), and
NemoScout (flight school aircraft).
In future, CIFIB broadcasts may include NOTAMs, lightning, cloud tops, freezing/icing level, upper
winds and temperatures aloft, PIREPs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, turbulence, MOS, and weather from
ASOS/AWOS/LWIS. ATC radar traffic is also being considered.
What is the range of a site?
The transmission and reception of CIFIB broadcasts operates on line-of-sight. The range of reception
varies by aircraft altitude and orientation, intervening obstacles, receiver antenna type and
location, and transmitter signal strength. A typical station has a range of 35-50NM for an aircraft
operating at 5000′ AGL.

Shows estimated
range at 5000' AGL for one of our transmitters
Will Canada have national coverage like the US?
No. With a larger area and 1/10 the population, national coverage is not practical in Canada. CIFIB
ground stations will cover areas with higher traffic volumes, prioritizing sites that fill in gaps
with more traffic. While there is no upper limit to the number of ground stations, CIFIB expects to
eventually operate about 100 ground stations.
Is CIFIB compatible with US ADS-B In?
Yes. CIFIB implements UAT as specified by the FAA. Any ADS-B In receiver compatible with the US
network will also receive CIFIB broadcasts. The weather and traffic services provided in Canada and
the United States differ, but the hardware used to receive and display the services are the same,
allowing cross-border compatibility for Canadian and US pilots and aircraft.